Some Things to Think About

These are some thoughts and so forth that I have come up with. Think about them and let me know if you have any quarrels or praise. Also, at the bottom are some various words of wisdom.

Passive Vs. Aggressive

It can be found that in performance, if one gets agressive in the sense of tense, the performance too becomes tense and of less quality. This is where my first tidbit of thinking comes in, as when one relaxes in performance, the performance becomes smoother, more relaxed (of course) and overall it is better. It goes without saying that this applies to everything else in life too, may it be relationships, waiting in line, or jogging down the street.

Just Know

Everyone at one time or another has probably heard something like, "Do it with confidence!" But how to you produce or maintain confidence? I doubt very many people who have said to their team or student "Do it with Confidence," actually explained to them how confidence is achieved. The best and easiest way to bring confidence upon yourself is to "just know." It works, I assure you, as it can improve both confidence and the results themselves. If you have an important test in school, then just know that you will do great on it, and chances are, due to the confidence you just produced, you will in fact do better on that test. If a relationship with someone is uneasy, just know everything will be ok, and it will. I just know it works (heh heh) for I have used this sort of method to "predict" what will happen. This little theory also works on the principal that the universe is a hologram... But I won't get into that quite yet.

The Little Monkey Boy

A lot of things can be learned from cartoons and children's stories. One of the biggest things that can be learned is a pure heart. In the cartoon Dragon Ball, Goku is a 'monkey boy' who was raised by his grandfather in the woods. After his grandfather dies, he embarks on a journey, upon which one of many things he obtains is the "Nimbus Cloud" also known as Flying Nimbus. Only those of pure heart can ride the Flying Nimbus, and Goku is one of them. But how can one have a pure heart? I believe it is because Goku never assumes anything about anyone, he never dislikes anyone. He always wants to learn about people, and never judges them. He seems to love everyone and everything, and when he fights, it's jsut for fun, that is, unless it is to stop someone that threatens everyone else. So that is what I think we can learn from Goku, that to have a pure heart means to not be judgemental, and always be learning, not assuming.

Words of Wisdom

"Tell him to suck it." - Becky Williams when Abe told her I needed quotes for my site.

"The most important thing to do in life is to learn how to love and be loved" - apparently from some guy in Moulin Rouge

"Be one with the dominoes" - some loser guy from the Dominoe Day 2001 show.

"Get your bibliography down and copy away." - Mr. Burke my Oceanography teacher on plagiarism.

"Hey HEY, hey HEY hey hey!" - Axle Foley in Beverly Hills Cop 3

"Damn that Julie Andrews!" - Mr. Cruse about the Sound of Music.

Questions to Ponder

If someone with AIDES were to get leeches, could the leeches contract AIDES?

If you were to hit a car, with the person who owns the car in your passenger seat, and they are laughing about it, then is it really a bad thing?

If you were born in a coma, and never came out of it for like 20 years, then died, would you go to heaven or hell? Or would you just sit in the middle of the two forever...

What happens to light in the very end, if it never hits anything? Does it keep flying out into space forever? If you could reach the end of the universe, in theory would you be sucked out, since there would be nothing, and it would be trying to equalise, like a balloon? Could this be why the universe keeps expanding?

If you could change into energy, how would you change back into matter? Could you make it so you hit some kind of cosmic flypaper and change back? Or would you just stay as energy and fly off in all directions?

If a new product "can't be beat," why is it that within a few years, the same company often produces a new version of a product that does indeed beat the old one?

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