My Music! Good Heavens!

Here are some MP3's and MIDI's that have been created by me and my band. Download these lower qualities to see if you like, and if you do, check out the high quality downloads on For the lyrics of any of these songs, check out the lyrics page. I had a goal this year of writing a song a day until June. This started on about the 5th of January, but I have fallen behind immensely. Since it isn't right to claim that songs I write now are actualy for a day 3 months ago, I decided that instead of a song a day, I will change the goal simply to having written 146 songs by June. This will aide me in that I wont have to keep track of what days I put them out, and organisation can be alphabetical.


Back in the days of Disco, I wasn't really in existence yet. Then when Reagan was in office, I was born, and wasn't very interested in music. Finally, in 2001, I started to make 'albums.' This is a list of them.

Lizard Alert: Live From Nick's Basement!
Lizard Alert's first expiremental recording. Only one made!

Lizard Alert: Rockin' The Rec
Live from Golden Recreation Center, our second CD we made of us. I think theres maybe like 3 copies of this one.

Lizard Alert: Nick's Bassment in December
Ok, I know for sure there are at least 3 copies of this one. It has a cool recording of us playing with some bass mallets and drum sticks on a pipe... I'll try to get the MP3 of that up soon. And yes, I did mean to spell basement wrong.

Roman Meanie
This is a short CD we made in Nick's Basement, that I called the Roman Meanie because I drew some stuff on it and... well, whatever. There only two copies of it in the world, so it doesn't matter too much. Check it out on!



Working on putting some up... Just go to for now, and search for "Lizard Alert" or "E-Rok." Actually, all of my original recorded songs will be up there, for the most part, and if not, I will put them on this site. Most cover stuff will be found on the Lizard Alert site.